Insurance for all the family

We look after what's most important, your health and that of your family

  • Unlimited consultations and check-ups with specialists

  • Dental policy included

  • With a discount when taken out with the entire family

Why choose health insurance for your family?

midwife icon
Your doctor near your family

With more than 51,000 doctors and 1,000 centres available throughout the country.

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Free dental cover

Free dental services and others with large discounts.

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Telemedicine service

24-hour medical line, video consultations and chat with specialists.

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Discounts for large families

A 7% discount for taking out a policy with more than three members.

What health insurance shall I choose for my family?

Compare the cover of our health insurance policies

Why take out health insurance for your family?

Quick and time saving


The average waiting time in the Spanish Social Security for a consultation with a specialist is 72 days. Request an appointment directly without going to the GP.


A service adapted to your schedule


Freedom to choose the time to visit a specialist without interfering in your daily life and without waiting lists.


Personalised assistance


Include your trusted gynaecologist and paediatrician in your policy if they are not in our extensive medical directory.

Extensive medical directory


Medical directory with more than 51,000 professionals and 1,000 health centres, such as Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Quirón, Hospitales HM or Teknon, without having to pay more for them.


Online administrative procedures


Authorisations or appointment requests for certain tests, etc. through the Private area or the DKV Activa app.


Top level care


Private room with a bed for your companion in the event of hospitalisation.

Other insurance you might be interested in

We have designed insurance to cover your and your family's needs according to your finances, lifestyle and use you are going to give the health insurance.

insurance for young people

Insurance for young people

You will have access to all specialists from day one, medical consultations from your mobile phone and travel assistance abroad.

Insurance for pregnant women

Insurance for pregnant women

Gynaecology and obstetrics check-ups, diagnostic tests, private room for childbirth, digital midwife and pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Insurance for seniors

Insurance for seniors

Preventive plans, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, chiropody, private room without limit of days in the event of hospitalisation.

Frequently asked questions about insurance for families

We answer the most frequently asked questions about family insurance.




Can I continue taking my child to our usual paediatrician?

If your trusted paediatrician is not in the DKV medical directory, you can include yours with a small surcharge.

Can I have a medical consultation from home?

Yes. You can use the medical helplines, including the 24-Hour DKV Physician or the 24-hour Paediatrics Helpline. In addition, through the Quiero cuidarme Más app you can also enjoy virtual consultations with specialists via telephone, chat or video call.

Do we have cover abroad?

All DKV health insurance policies have medical assistance abroad in the event of an emergency for trips of less than 180 days. In addition, reimbursement insurance policies allow you to go to a doctor or centre of your choice anywhere in the world and receive the reimbursement of expenses in a few days.

What advantages can we enjoy if the entire family takes it our?

Discount for family policies: 7% if you are four insured persons, or 12% if you are five or more. Plus an additional 7.5% for making an annual payment.

Are childhood vaccines included?

All compulsory vaccinations in the Spanish vaccination schedule are included.

Can I take out the health insurance on the website?

Our most popular insurance policies are taken out on the website. You can also take them out over the phone with the help of a sales adviser. And, you can obtain information and help in taking them out at our branches.

Are dental consultations covered?

Yes. Unlike other insurance policies, DKV includes dental cover in all its health insurance, with 47 dental services and several discounts on orthodontic treatments, cosmetic dentistry and implantology. We also have two dental insurance policies with greater coverage and services. To learn about the importance of dental health care during infancy, download this free guide.

How many psychology sessions are there a year?

Your health insurance includes 20 consultations a year with a psychologist to treat any emotional health problem. If you suffer school bullying or workplace harassment, cyberbullying, eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, you will have up to 40 sessions.

What additional services can I take out for my family?

You will have access to the entire catalogue of health and well-being services at lower-than-market prices.

How can I request the GP or paediatrician home service?

With DKV insurance, you can request a home service when, due to the condition of the ill person, going to a consultation or hospital centre is not advisable from a medical point of view.

Are childhood vaccines included?

Your comprehensive health insurance includes the administration of vaccinations included in the compulsory child vaccination programme in Spain, at certified associated vaccination centres, where the medication will be borne by the insured person, except when provided for free by the provincial Public Health authorities or similar body in the autonomous community.

Is there a discount if I include my family?

Yes, you will have an additional discount of 7% if you are four insured persons, or 12% if you are five or more.

You are a DKV customer

Please call us on:

900 810 072

Exclusive mutual society members

Please call us on:

900 810 073

You aren't a DKV customer