We give you 5 reasons why you should be a DKV customer

  • The most extensive medical directory on the market.

  • We offer you the most free additional services.

  • Free virtual medical consultations: video call or chat.

  • Our customers' recommendation rate is 8.2 out of 10.

  • The only company that reimburses expenses abroad for severe childhood illness.

Remember that you must show your Medicard (physical or digital) whenever you go to the doctor

Satisfied customers

Mutual Society Members

Medical directory

Medical professionals

Briefing note

Of medical tests do not require authorisation

Video consultation and chat with specialists
+ 315,000

Virtual consultations with doctors



Find out all the advantages of belonging to DKV.



Find out all the advantages of having your healthcare guaranteed with DKV.

DKV early detection plans for cancer

The portfolio of services arising from the agreements entered with mutual companies for civil servants (MUFACE and MUGEJU) includes preventive programmes for gynaecological and colorectal cancer (with the criteria established in the National Health System's shared portfolio of services).

DKV is in the process of implementing early detection plans for colorectal cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer. These are prevention activities (secondary) aimed at the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease and that are offered to the target population (established according to age and effectiveness criteria), even if they do not show any symptoms.

It is an invitation to carry out a screening test that will help discard any suspect cancer pathology or, otherwise, approach its treatment early and, therefore, with further guarantees of success.

cervical cancer prevention plans

Early detection plan for cervical cancer

Early detection plan for colorectal cancer

Breast cancer prevention plan

Offers for mutual society members and their families
Exclusive for mutual society members

We offer you the possibility of complementing your healthcare with a health insurance with very special conditions for being a mutual society member, for you and your family.

  • Healthcare insurance for families

  • Dental insurance 

  • Reimbursement insurance

  • Income insurance in the event of hospitalisation

  • Life, home and death insurance

Doctors, centres an own health spaces

51,000 doctors and 1,000 health centres available for you

Additional services

The entity that offers you more free additional services or with great discounts. Discover them all here

  • Virtual consultation with specialists

    From the symptom checker system, chatting directly to resolve any medical queries 24/7 or enjoying an online video consultation with specialists or a chat with a health coach or midwife service. With the possibility of sharing images and documents, directly and privately with a doctor, as well as having a consultation with a psychologist with the new "take care of your mind" functionality.

    Download the Quiero cuidarme Más app
  • Medical helpline

    If you have a health query that concerns you, get advice by calling the Médico DKV 24h helpline wherever you are. Medical lines: paediatrics, nutritionist, conditions affecting women, pregnancy, childhood obesity, sports medicine and psychoemotional. See more

  • Health and wellness services

    Health services at special prices for being a DKV customer: nutrition, sports, gait analysis, fertility treatments, cosmetic or wellness treatments, among others.

Competition for mutual society members!

Just for being a DKV mutual society member, you can win a €50 Amazon card. Participate!

We care about hour health

We tell you about the most common vision problems


In this e-book you will find information on the most common vision problems:

  • Myopia.

  • Farsightedness.

  • Astigmatism.

  • Presbyopia.

What's more, at the end of the guide you will find out about the impact of technology on your eye health and tips on reducing its impact

National Mutual Society Members

International Public Insured Persons

  • Public Administrative Staff Abroad

  • Muface Internacional

  • International Cooperation

  • For further information, click here

Download the Activa DKV App!

  • View your doctors.

  • Manage your medical authorisations and invoices (for reimbursement insurance).

  • Your medical card.

  • Contact DKV.

  • Digital healthcare services: video consultation and chat with specialists, your prescriptions and your health folder.

We want to help you make the best decision

Why choose your healthcare with DKV

Experts in health promotion and disease prevention

We have been more than 40 years taking care of the health of mutual society members

We promote digitisation

You can process online authorisations for more than 75% of medical tests

We are very close to you

We have 23 Espacios de Salud DKV and more than 1,000 medical centres available

We are health activists

We have implemented several initiatives in terms of healthcare and the integration of people with disabilities, as well as measures to protect the planet

We want to improve what surrounds us! With our four causes.

Are you one of us?

Against childhood obesity

Actions that fight against reducing overweight figures in children.

For the planet

We have obtained the Zero CO2 seal from ECODES. Our planet needs us, and we work towards protecting and recovering it.

For women's health

We no longer want to be mothers, but MalasMadres, which is why we are launching #TimeToTakeCareOfYourself

For inclusion

At the DKV Integralia Foundation, we work towards the social and professional integration of all people.

You are a DKV customer

Please call us on:

900 810 072

Exclusive mutual society members

Please call us on:

900 810 073

You aren't a DKV customer