Health insurance for the elderly

We are at your side in every moment of your life regardless of your age.

  • We have cover and preventive plans according to your needs: chiropody, physiotherapy and rehabilitation...

  • Private room without limit of days in the event of hospitalisation.

  • We have the highest age limit for taking out insurance on the market, up to 75!


Why take out health insurance with DKV?

specialist doctor icon
Unlimited consultations

Go to consultations with over 51,000 professionals from day one.

senior icon
High age for taking out insurance

Possibility of taking out your health insurance policy with up to 75 years of age.

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Telephone medical assistance

Your doctor 24 hours available for consultation on health symptoms, via chat or video call.

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Lifelong policy

Commitment to not cancel the policy after the third year of taking it out.

Which is the right medical insurance for you?

Compare the cover of our health insurance policies

Why take out health insurance if you are over 50?

Speed in medical care


The average waiting time in the Spanish Social Security for a consultation with a specialist is 72 days. Request an appointment directly without going to the GP.


Access to the best hospitals


Medical directory with more than 51,000 professionals and 1,000 health centres to visit, such as Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Quirón, Hospitales HM or Teknon, without having to pay more for them.


Comfort and privacy during hospitalisation


Private room in the event of hospitalisation with a bed for your companion.

Exclusive cover


Chiropody, physiotherapy, rehabilitation with no limit of sessions and dental cover with more than 47 treatments included.


Prevention plans


Yearly medical check-up, pain unit, geriatric unit, prostate and colon cancer prevention plan.


See additional health services


Exclusive discounts in services for the older adults: retirement homes, day centres, physiotherapy, progressive lenses, cognitive stimulation therapies, remote care, orthopaedics and hearing aids.

Other insurance you might be interested in

We have designed insurance to cover your and your family's needs according to your finances, lifestyle and use you are going to give the health insurance.

insurance for young people

Insurance for young people

You will have access to all specialists from day one, medical consultations from your mobile phone and travel assistance abroad.

Insurance for pregnant women

Insurance for pregnant women

Gynaecology and obstetrics check-ups, diagnostic tests, private room for childbirth, digital midwife and pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Insurance for families

Unlimited consultations with specialists, dental cover, discounts when all your family takes it out, 24-hour doctor, emergencies and much more.

Frequently asked questions about insurance for older adults

We answer the most frequently asked questions about senior insurance.




Up to which age can I take out my health insurance?

As a general rule, our insurance policies, in the individual modality, have a limit of 75 years of age. Except DKV Famedic Plus and Profesional, where there is no maximum age limit for taking out insurance, since their cover is limited to consultations in 8 specific specialities and they do not include diagnostic tests, surgery or hospitalisation.

If I come from another insurance company, is the age limit maintained?

Yes, the age limit for health insurance is 75.

Can I go to a specialist in another province other than my place of residence?

Of course. The DKV medical directory has more than 51,000 specialists across Spain. If you are in another municipality for personal, leisure or work reasons, find the centre and doctor nearest to you and ask for an appointment.

Do I have dental cover?

Yes, our health insurance policies, unlike others, include free dental cover. 47 dental services included at no additional cost and others with discounts on the market price.

Is there an emergency helpline?

You enjoy a 24h medical helpline, in addition to another 8 specialised medical helplines and medical assistance abroad.

How can I sign up for the preventive plans?

The Healthy life plans are a DKV project aimed at promoting the prevention of illnesses and healthy lifestyle habits among its insured customers. Free of charge, just fill in a form to sign up. We will send you a username and password to the email address you provide us, and they will give you access to personalised services.

Can I take out health insurance if I have an illness?

A pre-existing condition is a health condition, alteration or organic disorder that existed before the time the insurance was taken out. On some instances, you can pay a premium surcharge, which is an additional amount or additional premium paid to cover a risk excluded from the general terms and conditions.

How can I change to DKV from another insurance company?

If you have a policy with another company, you will have to fill out the application and health questionnaire to make the change. As a new insured person from another company, there will be no waiting periods, but no pre-existing conditions will be accepted.

You are a DKV customer

Please call us on:

900 810 072

Exclusive mutual society members

Please call us on:

900 810 073

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