DKV Accidentes personal accident insurance

Un seguro de accidentes para protegerte a ti y a los tuyos

  • Indemnización en caso de invalidez o fallecimiento en caso de accidente.

  • Atención médica 24h con nuestros médicos de confianza.

All the advantages of your accident insurance

Por qué contratar un seguro de accidentes DKV?

Taking out the insurance
Daily compensation

Immediate due to death or disability.

Work-related accident
Respaldamos tu economía

Tu familia no se verá afectada por un fallecimiento, invalidez permanente.

Medical directory
Customise your insurance

Con coberturas como: medical care, daily compensation due to hospitalisation or temporary disability, etc.

Telephone procedures
24-hour doctor

Líneas médicas telefónicas gratuitas a tu disposición.

All the details about DKV Accidentes

Qué cubre el seguro de accidentes personales de DKV?

Cover and services

Ofrece tranquilidad a tu familia ante cualquier accidente doméstico, de salud, laboral o de circulación

DKV Accidentes, an insurance with which in the event of an accident you'll be entitled to compensation to cover unforeseen expenses. Choose the cover you require to guarantee your peace of mind, and that of your family, at the most difficult times.

Included cover

  • Compensation for permanent disability

    We guarantee the agreed compensation according to the modality taken out and scale.

  • Compensation for death

    Guarantee of compensation if the insured person dies due to an accident, within one year of the date on which the accident took place. If it is a traffic accident and the spouse dies in the same accident, it is extended to all children under 18 years of age.

  • Compensation for simultaneous death

    Of both spouses in the same traffic accident.

Services included

  • Telephone advice helplines

    If you are worried about a symptom, call us and an agent on one of our helplines will be happy to attend to you: 24-hour general medicine, pregnancy, women's' health, nutrition and psycho-emotional health.

  • Second medical opinion

    For any serious illness, you can compare a diagnosis and obtain a second medical opinion.

  • Health services complementary to the insurance

    You will have access to a catalogue of health and well-being services at lower-than-market prices through DKV Club Salud y Bienestar.

Coberturas de contratación opcional

  • Compensation for temporary disability

    Hasta 1 año en el caso de que el accidente provoque invalidez temporal.

  • Indemnity for hospitalisation

    Tendrás una indemnización por cada día que estés ingresado (máximo un año).

  • Medical assistance in the event of an accident

    Sin límites en un centro concertado, o máximo 1,800 euros en uno no concertado.

  • Additional compensation in the event of total disability and death due to a traffic accident

  • Indemnización por gran invalidez

  • Indemnización por fallecimiento por infarto de miocardio

    As a direct and exclusive consequence of their work after a waiting period of one month. Up to the age of 65.

Accident insurance modalities

Elige la modalidad de tu seguro de accidentes según tus necesidades:

  • 24-hour cover. Cover all accidents that take place in your personal and professional life.

  • Professional cover. It exclusively covers work-related accidents.

  • Non-professional cover. It exclusively covers accidents in your private life.

  • Cover due to traffic accident. It covers all traffic accidents.

Insurance options

Buscas algo especial para ti o para tu negocio? Tenemos diferentes opciones de seguro de accidentes:

  • Cover for educational centres. Covers the students at educational centres, including travel from home to the centre and back.

  • Special cover for women. It covers the specific needs of women 24/7, with guarantees that not all accident insurance policies include, such as yearly gynaecological check-ups or expenses from reconstructive cosmetic surgery, among others.

  • Company cover. For collective labour agreements or self-employed workers.

Any insurance policy must start with a commitment

Terms and conditions of the contract

Briefing note
Peace of mind in the collection

Garantizamos el pago de diferentes tipos de indemnización

Avoid waiting lists
Quick procedures

Gestión de autorizaciones de forma rápida, a través del área privada de cliente o por teléfono.

Conditions and commitment
Customise your insurance

Asistencia médica, indemnización por hospitalización, por invalidez temporal, etc.

Digital midwife
Second medical opinion

Si quieres contrastar un diagnóstico y necesitas una segunda opinión médica.

Información sobre el seguro DKV Accidentes

Download the documentation

Once your family's safety and peace of mind have been covered...

DKV health and medical insurance complementary to accident insurance

Medical directory medical insurance

DKV Integral

Our best-selling medical directory insurance with direct access to more than 51,000 specialists and 1,000 medical centres throughout Spain.

DKV death insurance

Funeral insurance

DKV Protección Familiar

The funeral insurance that supports your family at all times. One of the best funeral services, with transfer and repatriation to your country of origin.

Work leave insurance

DKV Renta

When on work leave, the income protection insurance pays a provision for illness and/or accident either at work or in your personal life.

Frequently asked questions about accident insurance

We resolve your most frequent queries about accident insurance

What is the duration of an accident insurance policy?

The duration agreed and included in the contract. It is usually taken out on a yearly basis, whether a calendar year or not. However, its initial duration may be less than a year, and it can be taken out for several years.

The contract provides for renewals, usually on a yearly basis and made automatically, at the initial period's expiry date, except in cases where otherwise is notified by any of the parties.

Can I receive the accident insurance's compensation in the form of an allowance?

Only the guarantees for temporary disability or hospitalisation due to an accident give rise to a daily compensation, although it is usually settled in a single payment or in monthly payments.

How do accident insurance premiums evolve?

When taking out the policy, you can agree to update the capital and premiums by linking their revaluation to the CPI or a fixed percentage or agree that they remain unchanged.

What does accident insurance cover?

Accident insurance can include the following cover:

  1. 24 hours

  2. Professional

  3. Extra-professional

  4. Driving

Will I still be insured in an accident insurance policy after I receive the permanent disability benefit?

Depending on the degree of disability; therefore, you would need to undergo a new medical assessment of the risk.

How is accident insurance calculated?

It is calculated on the basis of the applied rate corresponding to the insured person's profession, the capitals established for each guarantee, the cover taken out and any possible premium surcharges.

What information do I have to send in the event of an accident?

The documentation will vary according to the affected guarantee.

For example, the following are common documents, among others:

  • Accident report

  • Original doctors’ invoices, certificates, medical leave reports, discharge reports, hospital admission forms, etc.

  • Death certificate Medical reports on care, treatment and condition

  • Medical certificate of permanent disability

  • Certification of the condition of beneficiary of the insurance

What does accident insurance cover?

The basic guarantees are death or permanent disability, both caused by an accident. Read more sobre qué cubre el seguro de accidentes

Why take out accident insurance?

To enjoy peace of mind and be able to cope with the consequences of accidents. Read more sobre por qué deberías contratar un seguro de accidentes

Does it include cover abroad?

It will if provided for in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions. Read more cobre la cobertura en el extranjero

Is practising sports covered?

Like in any type of insurance, there are always exclusions, such as risk sports.

We want to improve what surrounds us! With our four causes.

Are you one of us?

Against childhood obesity

Actions that fight against reducing overweight figures in children.

For the planet

We have obtained the Zero CO2 seal from ECODES. Our planet needs us, and we work towards protecting and recovering it.

For women's health

We no longer want to be mothers, but MalasMadres, which is why we are launching #TimeToTakeCareOfYourself

For inclusion

At the DKV Integralia Foundation, we work towards the social and professional integration of all people.

You are a DKV customer

Please call us on:

900 810 072

Exclusive mutual society members

Please call us on:

900 810 073

You aren't a DKV customer