Health insurance for SMEs
Health insurance for companies with fewer than 50 employees.
Direct access to the best medical professionals.
Virtual consultations with specialists, avoiding travel.
Company management portal for online procedures.
We take care of your employees' and their relatives' health.
Take it out for a limited time with a 20% discount
Discounts for 5 years.

Advantages of taking out health insurance for SMEs
More than 51,000 doctors and the best private hospitals.
Included in your policy at no extra cost
Medical consultations wherever you are, avoiding travel
Support to choose the most suitable solution for your company
What is the most suitable type of medical insurance for you and your employees?
If you are looking for health insurance for your company, we will help you to choose
DKV Sanify
An innovative health and well-being proposal within the reach of all companies.
Take it out for €18/Month
Reduced medical directory
Medical centres in the DKV Sanify Empresas network.
All doctors and centres around the world
Access to any medical professional or centre in Spain and abroad, even if they are not included in the DKV medical directory.
Primary care
General medicine, nursing, paediatrics. One basic yearly blood and urine test per year.
7 medical specialities
General medicine, nursing, paediatrics, gynaecology (including an annual check-up), ophthalmology, dermatology and traumatology.
Diagnostic tests
Clinical analyses, X-rays, ultrasounds, magnetic resonances, CT scans, mammograms, endoscopies, etc.
Surgery and hospitalisation
Hospital care for medical or surgical treatment.
Video consultations and chat
Unlimited video consultations with the 7 specialities covered, 24h medical chat, electronic prescription and health folder.
Dental policy included
47 free treatments and the rest with major discounts.
20 sessions/year and 40 sessions for people under 24 years old for eating disorders, school bullying, cyberbullying, work-related stress, and gender-based or domestic violence.
20 sessions/year
Worldwide medical assistance when travelling
Up to €30,000 for journeys of up to 180 days, in the event of an emergency.
Reimbursement of expenses
Medical, pharmaceutical and vaccinations.
20% disc.
DKV Pymes Especialistas
Direct access to the best specialists and hospital centres in Spain.
Take it out from €19/month
Extensive medical directory
More than 51,000 specialists and 1,000 medical centres in Spain.
All doctors and centres around the world
Access to any medical professional or centre in Spain and abroad, even if they are not included in the DKV medical directory.
Primary care
General medicine, nursing, paediatrics, basic clinical analyses, emergencies and ambulances.
Medical specialities
Cardiology, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, traumatology, gynaecology, oncology, endocrinology, psychiatry, etc.
Diagnostic tests
Clinical analyses, X-rays, ultrasounds, magnetic resonances, CT scans, mammograms, endoscopies, etc.
Surgery and hospitalisation
Hospital care for medical or surgical treatment.
Video consultations and chat
Unlimited video consultations with specialists, 24h medical chat, electronic prescription, health folder, health coach and digital midwife.
Dental policy included
50 free treatments and the rest with major discounts.
20 sessions/year and 40 sessions for people under 24 years old for eating disorders, school bullying, cyberbullying, work-related stress, and gender-based or domestic violence.
No limit on sessions.
Worldwide medical assistance when travelling
Up to €30,000 for journeys of up to 180 days, in the event of an emergency.
Reimbursement of expenses
Medical, pharmaceutical and vaccinations.
20% disc.
DKV Pymes
The most comprehensive medical directory insurance. Make sure you have the most convenient and fast healthcare.
Take it out from €32/month
Extensive medical directory
More than 51,000 specialists and 1,000 medical centres in Spain.
All doctors and centres around the world
Access to any medical professional or centre in Spain and abroad, even if they are not included in the DKV medical directory.
Primary care
General medicine, nursing, paediatrics, basic clinical analyses, emergencies and ambulances.
Medical specialities
Cardiology, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, traumatology, gynaecology, oncology, endocrinology, psychiatry, etc.
Diagnostic tests
Clinical analyses, X-rays, ultrasounds, magnetic resonances, CT scans, mammograms, endoscopies, etc.
Surgery and hospitalisation
Hospital care for medical or surgical treatment.
Video consultations and chat
Unlimited video consultations with specialists, 24h medical chat, electronic prescription, health folder, health coach and digital midwife.
Dental policy included
50 free treatments and the rest with major discounts.
20 sessions/year and 40 sessions for people under 24 years old for eating disorders, school bullying, cyberbullying, work-related stress, and gender-based or domestic violence.
No limit on sessions.
Worldwide medical assistance when travelling
Up to €30,000 for journeys of up to 180 days, in the event of an emergency.
Reimbursement of expenses
Medical, pharmaceutical and vaccinations.
20% disc.
DKV Pymes Mundiclassic
You can visit any centre in the world, whether in Spain or abroad.
Take it out from €49/month
Extensive medical directory
More than 51,000 specialists and 1,000 medical centres in Spain.
All doctors and centres around the world
Access to any medical professional or centre in Spain and abroad, even if they are not included in the DKV medical directory.
Primary care
General medicine, nursing, paediatrics, basic clinical analyses, emergencies and ambulances.
Medical specialities
Cardiology, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, traumatology, gynaecology, oncology, endocrinology, psychiatry, etc.
Diagnostic tests
Clinical analyses, X-rays, ultrasounds, magnetic resonances, CT scans, mammograms, endoscopies, etc.
Surgery and hospitalisation
Hospital care for medical or surgical treatment.
Video consultations and chat
Unlimited video consultations with specialists, 24h medical chat, electronic prescription, health folder, health coach and digital midwife.
Dental policy included
50 free treatments and the rest with major discounts.
20 sessions/year and 40 sessions for people under 24 years old for eating disorders, school bullying, cyberbullying, work-related stress, and gender-based or domestic violence.
No limit on sessions.
Worldwide medical assistance when travelling
Up to €30,000 for journeys of up to 180 days, in the event of an emergency.
Reimbursement of expenses
Medical, pharmaceutical and vaccinations.
If you are looking for health insurance for your company, we will help you to choose
What is the most suitable type of medical insurance for you and your employees?
DKV Sanify
An innovative health and well-being proposal within the reach of all companies:
take it out for €18/month
All the medical specialities
Dental coverage
Video consultation and chat service
Podiatry, physiotherapy and rehabilitation

DKV Pymes Especialistas
Direct access to the best specialists and hospital centres in Spain.
take it out from €21/month
All the medical specialities
Dental coverage
Video consultation and chat service
Podiatry, physiotherapy and rehabilitation

DKV Pymes Integral
The most comprehensive network-affiliated medical directory insurance.
take it out from €37/month
Primary care and 24h medical emergencies
All the medical specialities
Surgery and hospitalisation
Dental coverage
Video consultation and chat service
Podiatry, physiotherapy and rehabilitation

DKV Pymes Mundiclassic
You can visit any centre in the world, regardless of whether it is affiliated or not.
take it out from €67/month
Primary care and 24h medical emergencies
All the medical specialities
Surgery and hospitalisation
Dental coverage
Video consultation and chat service
Podiatry, physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Access to all doctors and health centres around the world
Contact us to discuss any health concerns
Why take out a health insurance for your SME?
Advantages for the company
Employees are more satisfied.
You build your employee's loyalty, obtain a greater commitment and make them more productive, and you become an appealing company when it comes to attracting talent.
It improves the company's image.
A company that takes care of its employees achieves a better internal and external reputation.
Reduces absenteeism at work.
Health insurance provides employees access to quality and fast medical care that does not require as much travelling.
Advantages for employees
Better work-life balance.
Private health insurance provides extensive visiting hours for medical appointments without waiting times.
Helps your domestic economy.
The first €500 for the payment of the health insurance are exempt from Personal Income Tax. In addition, the premium is lower in a group health insurance policy.
Quality medical care.
Extensive medical directory without waiting lists, with state-of-the-art treatments, dental service, psychotherapy and digital health services.
Information on the DKV Pymes insurance
Download the documentation
Services to take care of and manage your employees' and your company's health
En DKV trabajamos para poder ofrecer una atención rápida, ágil y desde cualquier lugar.

Complete Medical Directory
Más de 51,000 profesionales médicos y 10,000 clínicas y centros médicos en todo el país, y los mejores hospitales privados (CUN, Quirón, Teknon, etc.)

Quiero cuidarme Más app
Tus empleados podrán contactar con especialistas sin desplazarse. Tendrán un chat 24h, videoconsultas ilimitadas y podrán solicitar recetas médicas.
Answer your queries with the FAQs
What company insurance do you need?
There are different types of insurance based on the company's needs and its employees. From basic cover to comprehensive insurance policies, with telemedicine services or insurance designed for working abroad.
Economical insurance: with a low premium and the essential cover, without hospitalisation and surgery. The most economical option to access private healthcare, with primary care, visits to specialists, video consultations to avoid travel and a series of simple tests, such as analytical tests or preventive plans.
Insurance with comprehensive cover: They provide comprehensive medical assistance, unlimited consultations with specialists, diagnostic tests, telemedicine, dental cover, psychology, chiropody, physiotherapy, surgery, hospitalisation and hospital emergencies. In addition to an array of digital services.
Reimbursement insurance: They allow the insured person to visit specialists and medical centres that are not included in the medical directory or do not work for any insurer. They are perfect for employees who travel a lot and visit doctors on their work trips abroad. With reimbursement of medical expenses in less than a week.
In addition, you can choose insurance modalities with or without copayment. The monthly premium in copayment modalities is much lower, and the insured person pays an extra amount based on the use made to the health insurance.
What is a copayment?
A copayment is a small cash amount that is paid every time that you use a health insurance. It varies according to the type of insurance you have taken out and the medical test or speciality you undergo. Check the copayments of all DKV PYMES medical services in this link
How many people have to register in the insurance for it to be considered a company/SMEs group?
From 3 to 50 employees to contract the Pymes module. More than 50 employees for the company group
Ways to take out health insurance at the company
Compulsory subscription, co-financed and Flexible Remuneration
What is a flexible remuneration plan?
Flexible remuneration consists in dedicating part of the employee's gross salary to a special remuneration; in this case, to the payment of an insurance premium, at a lower than market price.