Frequently asked questions about home insurance
We resolve your most frequent queries about home insurance
What is meant by buildings and contents?
The terms buildings refers to the value of the property, i.e. the physical structure: foundations, walls, doors, windows and ceilings. It includes adjacent structures, including patios, garages, terraces, swimming pools, sports facilities, and other fixed installations (heating, water, light, and gas supplies, solar panels, etc.). The term contents refers to items of personal property, such as furniture (including fixed kitchen and bathroom furniture), clothes, books, music, decorative objects, household items, electrical appliances, computers and technology, jewellery, etc. that are found inside the insured property and are owned by the policyholder, family members, or people who live in the home.
What other services are included in home insurance?
In addition to the 24-hour home assistance service and handyman service, it includes the repair of household appliances, computer and technology support, psychological telephone assistance and the DKV Club de Salud y Bienestar.
How does my home insurance's Handyman service work?
It is a professional home assistance for certain home maintenance work, detailed in the policy's general terms and conditions, with a six-month warranty. You will be able to request this service once a year (maximum of three hours). All you need to do is call Home Assistance (900 810 076) and the service will be performed from 9.00 to 19.00, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).
Am I covered if a household appliance breaks down?
Yes, DKV home insurance covers the call-out expenses and first five hours of labour of the professional that repairs your household appliance, provided that it is less than seven years old (washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator and television). You will only have to pay for the damaged part.
I am a tenant. Do I need to take out insurance?
If you are a tenant, it is also essential to have Civil Liability insurance (CL) to protect yourself against damages that you may cause to the property of the owner or third parties (neighbours, etc.). However, you must bear in mind that if, for example, there is a fire in the kitchen, in addition to the damages caused to your property, the lightwell or the other property's may be damaged due to the smoke. The injured third parties or their insurance companies will hold you responsible for the damages caused. Therefore, the most important form of cover is CL insurance, which is included when you insure the contents of your home. When you do so, you must value your personal belongings as well as the items under your responsibility in the home. In other words, you must include all the contents of the home including fixed kitchen furniture.
Should I take out home insurance if I am the owner of a rented property?
I have taken out a homeowners association insurance policy. Do I need to take out home insurance?
Is dog liability included?
How can I change home insurance?
What can I change in my home insurance?
What does the price of home insurance depend on?
Can I pay my home insurance in instalments?
Can I disassociate my home insurance from my mortgage?
What should I do in the event of an incident?
Resolve your queries about home insurance
We provide you with any information you need to take out your home insurance with a clear and transparent language.

What does my civil liability insurance policy cover?
In general, it covers the liabilities that we have to face due to potential material or personal damages caused to third parties.

How do you calculate the value of the building and contents?
To calculate the value of the Buildings, we need to know: Type of property, constructed area, quality of the property, and the province where it is located. Regarding the value of the Contents, DKV Hogar covers replacement costs in accordance with the general terms and conditions.