Frequently asked questions about medical directory health insurance

We resolve your most frequent queries about health insurance

Up to which age can I take out health insurance?

If you are over 70 years old and want to take out health insurance, you must consider the maximum contracting age offered by each company. Some insurers set the maximum age to take out insurance at 65 or 70 years of age.

You will also find policies that do not have a maximum contracting age, so it is important that you study the available options. Also pay attention to the age from which the company may not renew your health insurance. Find out as much as you can before you decide, because there are insurers who commit to not cancelling the contract after a set validity period.

At DKV, we have the highest age for taking out insurance on the market: up to the age of 75, in an individual modality.

Although we also offer health insurance with no maximum age limit, such as DKV Famedic Plus, an economical health insurance with basic cover designed for everyone, without any age restrictions or limits.

Physiotherapy, do I need to go to the specialist first?

Yes, before attending physiotherapy sessions, you will first have to go to a specialist in traumatology, neurology, rheumatology or a rehabilitating doctor, who will prescribe the sessions.

How have the psychology sessions been set?

Insurance companies generally set a maximum limit of sessions per insured person per year. At DKV, we have one of the widest contracting age limits on the market. Further information

How much is the premium surcharge if I take out the insurance when already pregnant?

If the insurance is taken out when pregnant, there is the possibility of obtaining cover for monitoring the pregnancy and childbirth, exclusively through the medical directory, by means of a premium surcharge paid in a lump-sum.
The additional premium for pregnancy and childbirth is as follows:
- Balearic Islands and Canary Islands €3,500.
- Rest of Spain: €3,000.
If you want to pay a premium surcharge only for monitoring pregnancy (childbirth will not be covered, but the prenatal genetic screening test will): €800 (mainland and islands).
N.B.: DKV Modular and DKV Profesional requires a comprehensive insurance policy (all three modules), and reimbursement policies only provide cover in the own services modality.

How and how much does the insurance go up every year?

With each insurance contract renewal, at 31 December, the company may modify the annual premium and the costs for medical acts taking as a base the technical actuarial calculations. Further information

How can I request the GP or paediatrician home service?

With DKV insurance, you can request a home service when, due to the condition of the ill person, going to a consultation or hospital centre is not advisable from a medical point of view. Further information

What is considered a family unit in health insurance?

We understand as a family unit all relatives who live in the same family home and want to be beneficiaries of the insurance.

What does the price of my health insurance depend on?

The price varies according to the modality, age and place of residence. In addition, different prices can be set according to the policy's modality. In the case of DKV Integral:

  • Integral Complet: from €22

  • Integral Classic: from €43

  • Integral Élite: from €48

What details do I need to calculate my health insurance?

It is calculated according to the insured person's age. You can calculate the price of your health insurance by using our calculator.

When does my policy become effective?

On the date the policy enters into force, which is when the guarantees covered by the policy become effective. It usually coincides with the policy's issue date, but the customer can set a date later than the issue date. 

Can I take out health insurance if I have an illness?

A pre-existing condition is a health condition (e.g. pregnancy), alteration or organic disorder that existed before the time the insurance was taken out or the insured person was included in the policy, regardless of whether there is a medical diagnosis or not, and it is excluded from the cover.

However, on some instances, you can pay a premium surcharge, which is an additional amount or complementary premium paid to cover a risk excluded from the general terms and conditions.

What medical tests do and don't require authorisation?

Complex diagnostic tests, ambulance transfers, prostheses, and surgical implants, psychotherapy sessions, preventative programmes or check-ups, medical or surgical treatment and hospital admissions.

If you have any queries about the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that do not require prior authorisation from DKV Seguros, please consult the website and/or medical directory of your corresponding 'DKV Network of Healthcare Services' for the current year, Chapter 2 ‘Advice for Use’.


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