DKV Renta Familiar, a compensation insurance for the whole family
Garantizamos una indemnización a todos los miembros de la misma unidad familiar
Provision for hospitalisation for any reason.
Provision for surgical procedures.
Por qué elegir DKV Renta Familiar
All the advantages of your work leave insurance
In the event of a surgical procedure, we insure the capital required to carry it out.
Protegemos tu salud y la de tu familia para que no tengas que preocuparte de los gastos médicos.
Asesoramiento telefónico 24 h sobre síntomas, pruebas diagnósticas, problemas de salud o medicamentos.
Servicios no cubiertos por la Seguridad Social, a precios inferiores a mercado: tratamientos de fertilidad...
All the details about the DKV Renta Familiar benefit insurance
Protegemos y cuidamos la salud y economía de tu familia
Cover and services
Con este seguro tu economía no se verá afectada en caso de intervención u hospitalización
El seguro DKV Renta Familiar te ayuda a cubrir los gastos extraordinarios que supone una hospitalización o intervención quirúrgica (traslados, manutención de acompañantes, cuidado de los niños, etc.) a través del pago de una indemnización diaria hasta un máximo de un año.
Compensation for hospitalisation due to illness and/or accident
Receive a compensation for every day you are hospitalised.
Indemnización por intervención quirúrgica
Capital insured in the event of surgical procedure.
Health services
Telephone advice helplines
If you are worried about a symptom, call us and an agent on one of our helplines will be happy to attend to you: 24-hour general medicine, pregnancy, women's' health, nutrition and psycho-emotional health.
Second medical opinion
Have the peace of mind of receiving the best possible treatment with a second medical opinion in the event of a serious illness.
Health services complementary to the insurance
You will have access to a catalogue of health and well-being services at lower-than-market prices through DKV Club Salud y Bienestar.
Information about the DKV Renta Familiar insurance
Download the documentation of the benefit insurance
Any insurance policy must start with a commitment
Terms and conditions of the contract
El seguro se puede contratar hasta los 64 años.
You can use the insurance until the policyholder reaches 70.
Se firmará una declaración de salud previa al contrato para valorar posibles preexistencias.
Once you have covered your care in the event of hospitalisation
Complementary insurance that may interest you
Medical insurance for self-employed workers
DKV Profesional
Combine all the cover you need for health, income, accidents or death, in a single insurance. Y si eres autónomo, disfruta de un 5% de descuento adicional vitalicio.
Family health insurance
DKV Famedic Profesional
An insurance that helps professionals take care of their health and their family without neglecting their business.
We want to improve what surrounds us! With our four causes.
Are you one of us?
Actions that fight against reducing overweight figures in children.
We have obtained the Zero CO2 seal from ECODES. Our planet needs us, and we work towards protecting and recovering it.
We no longer want to be mothers, but MalasMadres, which is why we are launching #TimeToTakeCareOfYourself
At the DKV Integralia Foundation, we work towards the social and professional integration of all people.