DKV Renta Baremado work leave insurance

The work leave insurance conceived to protect the economy of self-employed workers.

  • Compensation when initiating a work leave due to accident or illness.

  • We pay your compensation immediately, as soon as you're off work.

  • Additional medical services.

From €5/month

DKV Renta Baremado

All the advantages of your work leave insurance

Why choose DKV Renta Baremado

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Financial peace of mind

We immediately pay you the compensation as per the scale when the work leave is granted.

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We provide you with security

The most extensive scale on the market: 100 days in the event of a heart attack and between 40 and 80 days in a wrist sprain.

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We adapt

Option to choose the daily provision that you want to receive while on medical leave.

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Total cover

Cover any illness and/or accident that occurs either at work or in your personal life.

What does the DKV Renta Baremado work leave insurance include?

All the details about the DKV Renta Baremado work leave insurance

Cover and services

We pay your compensation immediately, as soon as you're off work.

An illness or accident can force you to take a work leave, which entails less income and more expenses. Thanks to this insurance, your finances will not be affected in the event of work leave, as each pathology has assigned an amount (scale).


Included cover

  • Daily compensation for temporary disability and/or accident

    Being ill or suffering an accident will no longer involve losing money, as you will be able to meet your business' expenses. You will receive a compensation in the event of a temporary disability.

  • Cover for common pathologies

    As opposed to other companies, we cover common pathologies in such important specialities as the digestive system, ophthalmology, musculoskeletal system, otorhinolaryngology, respiratory system, urology, sprains, dislocations, wounds and trauma.

  • Childbirth compensation

    If your medical leave is due to childbirth or you are in process of adoption, you will receive up to 20 times the compensation taken out in your income insurance.

Services included

  • Telephone medical advice

    If you are worried about a symptom, call us and an agent on one of our helplines will be happy to attend to you: 24-hour general medicine, pregnancy, women's' health, nutrition and psycho-emotional health.

  • Second medical opinion

    Have the peace of mind of receiving the best possible treatment with a second medical opinion in the event of a serious illness.

  • Health services complementary to the insurance

    You will have access to a catalogue of health and well-being services at lower-than-market prices through DKV Club Salud y Bienestar.

Optional cover

  • Daily compensation for time spent in hospital

    Receive a compensation for every day you are hospitalised.

  • Capital for surgical procedures

    If you have to enter the operating theatre, you will receive an additional provision to financially protect you.

  • Capital for total and permanent disability

    The best protection against the worst of scenarios, ensure an additional provision.

  • Medical assistance in the event of an accident

    You will be covered for all the medical expenses you may need due to an accident using the authorised DKV network.

  • Extension of the compensation

    When the period set in the scale elapses, we will continue to pay you after the 90th day until you are discharged.

Terms and conditions of the contract

Any insurance policy must start with a commitment


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Maximum age to take out the insurance

It can be taken out by people between 16 and 64 years of age.

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Cover up to 70 years old

Except for Total Permanent Disability cover, which ends at the age of 65.

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We are transparent

The insurance is renewed automatically every year. We will inform you in advance on the new developments in your policy.

Download the documentation

Information about DKV Renta Baremado insurance

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We resolve your queries about our work leave insurance




What is work leave insurance?

It is an insurance that guarantees you a financial provision. It will be applied if you experience a temporary incapacity to work that prevents you from doing your usual job. This can be caused by an illness or an accident. The provision varies according to the insured capital.

What is insured under a work leave policy?

  • Income insurance guarantees temporary disability. Covering the worker's loss of income due to an illness or accident

  • Hospitalisation. For every day that you are hospitalised, you will receive a compensation as of the first 24 hours up to 365 days later

  • Legal intervention. DKV Seguros guarantees the insured person a single financial provision. The amount is calculated by applying the insured capital for the cover of surgical procedures reflected in the special terms and conditions

  • Total and permanent disability. Total and permanent disability is the irreversible physical situation caused by an illness or accident

  • Medical assistance in the event of an accident. Provided that they are derived from an accident covered by the policy.

What is the duration of the work leave insurance?

The duration of the contract stipulated in the policy is annual and can be extended, but the payments may be made monthly, quarterly or every six months.

What happens if your working situation or professional activity changes after taking it out?

You should notify us of the change in your situation as soon as possible to be able to recalculate the insurance premium according to the new activity, which may represent an increase or decrease in the price depending on the level of risk that this new activity represents. This way we will avoid any problems or confusion during the claims procedure.

When does the cover start and end?

  1. Once the contract has been signed and the first instalment has been paid, it will take effect and end on the dates established in the specific terms and conditions. It will be renewed each year unless one of the two parties (the contracting party or the company) states otherwise.

  2. In addition, the contract will terminate: · At the end of the year when the insured person reaches the age of 70.

  3. When the insured person becomes disabled or permanently unable to carry out his profession, or when he requests recognition of this state, or receives a pension, service provision or compensation for said cause.

  4. When the insured person is retired, unemployed or in a similar situation, or ceases all their professional or labour activities.

Is there an upper age limit for the insurance cover?

The upper age limit is 70, except for cover for permanent and total disability, which is 65 years of age

What are the excluded risks?

They are the illnesses, accidents, circumstances, alterations, activities, etc. that are not covered in the policy and that, therefore, do not grant the right to a provision. The excluded risks are agreed with you when signing the policy, and they are highlighted in bold type.

For example:

  • Any type of illness that already existed when the insurance plan was taken out.

  • "Additional cover"

  • Pregnancy, abortion and puerperium.

  • Illnesses or injuries caused in a state of inebriation or due to alcoholism, drug addiction or taking drugs or medicines without prescription.

Which is the maximum guaranteed period for medical leave?

You can choose from different options. The particular conditions specify the coverage contracted and the maximum guaranteed period.

Does it cover work leave in the event of pregnancy and/or childbirth?

Although childbirth is not considered an illness, mothers that are insured for over eight months will receive a provision on this account. It will be required having contracted one of the following guarantees: daily temporary disability, scaled temporary disability, hospitalisation or surgical procedure, with the scope and conditions established in each guarantee.

How long does it take between communicating my leave and starting to receive the compensation?

After presenting the claim form, the medical leave report and the rest of the requested documentation, and when DKV Seguros recognises the right to the provision and checks its final scope, it will start to process it within two weeks. In the event of extended temporary disability (over forty days), you may request an advance of the provision for daily temporary disability corresponding to the period of medical leave that has been sufficiently proven.

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