DKV Residentes
Refund of medical expenses health insurance for foreigners resident in Spain
Go to any doctor, whether part of the affiliated network or not.
We will reimburse between 80% and 90% of the total expenses.
Easy and fast, through an app and in less than seven days.
Take it out for a limited time with a 33% discount
Discounts for the next 6 years
Why choose DKV Residents?
All the advantages of your reimbursement medical insurance
100% reimbursement in Spain, without expense limits
7 días máximo en el reembolso de facturas a través de una app
Tratamientos dentales incluidos sin coste adicional
Para ciudadanos alemanes con atención médica en Alemania
All the details about DKV Residentes
Qué ofrece el seguro DKV Residentes?
Cover and services
Un seguro médico para extranjeros residentes con el que recibir asistencia sanitaria en España y en Alemania
With this comprehensive insurance, which also includes cutting-edge diagnostic tests, interventions, hospitalisation and dental services, enjoy a full reimbursement of expenses. So you feel at home.
Included cover
Primary care
General practice, emergencies, paediatrics, ambulances, analyses...
Specialities and diagnostic tests
You can go to all specialities without first having to see your GP: cardiology, digestive system, traumatology, gynaecology, ophthalmology, chiropody, dermatology, allergies... and all diagnostic tests.
Dental coverage
Unlike other health insurance policies within the sector, yours will include dental service cover.
In own services, up to 20 sessions per year for psychotherapy, and 40 sessions in cases of eating disorders, school bullying, gender-based or domestic violence, cyberbullying and work-related stress. In external services, we will reimburse you up to €40 per session.
Fast and agile reimbursement
100% reimbursement of expenses in Spain (if you choose a non-affiliated centre) as soon as possible, within 7 days, and through the app with just a photo of the bill.
Reimbursement of dental expenses
100% in affiliated dental centres and in 80% in non-affiliated centres. Up to 3,000 euros/year.
Reimbursement of pharmacy expenses
Reimbursement of up to 1,000 euros/year in medication.
Health services
Telephone advice helplines
If you are worried about a symptom, call us and an agent on one of our helplines will be happy to attend to you: 24-hour general medicine, pregnancy, women's' health, nutrition and psycho-emotional health.
Video consultation and chat with a doctor
You will be able to contact a doctor via chat, call or video call, as well as chat with your health coach to improve your lifestyle and with a midwife if you are pregnant or just gave birth to a baby.
Healthcare abroad
Worldwide emergency travel assistance, for less than 180 days.
Treatment and management of obesity, up to 20 sessions per year.
Biomechanical gait analysis
An analysis every five years for adults and every two years for children under 15 years old in Podoactiva centres.
Preventive care programmes
Sign up to our free prevention programmes, and we'll help you improve your overall health.
DKV Club de Salud y Bienestar discounts
Podrás acceder a todo tu catálogo de servicios de salud y bienestar a precios inferiores a los del mercado a través de DKV Club Salud y Bienestar.
Optional cover
Servicio BEST CARE
Servicio de segunda opinión médica, consulta... con un listado de médicos prestigiosos en Alemania. Este servicio se gestiona desde DKV Alemania.
Cobertura de reembolso
100 días de cobertura de reembolso 100% en Alemania.
Repatriación a Alemania en caso de fallecimiento
En caso de fallecimiento, DKV garantiza la repatriación del asegurado desde el lugar de fallecimiento en territorio español, hasta el aeropuerto internacional más próximo al lugar de inhumación en Alemania.
Waiting periods
All provisions can be used from day one, except for:
Hospitalisation and surgical procedures (including prostheses): 6 months
Biomechanical gait analysis: 6 months
Childbirth (except for premature births): 8 months
Transplants: 12 months
Dental prostheses and maxillary orthopaedics: 8 months.
Best Care: 3 months.
Assisted reproduction techniques (individual modality): 48 months
Limit of reimbursement of expenses
100% reimbursement of expenses in Spain.
Reimbursement of up to 1,000 euros/year in medication.
100% reimbursement at affiliated dental clinics and 80% at non-affiliated clinics. Up to 3,000 euros/year.
Information about the DKV Residentes insurance to view later
Download the documentation
Any insurance policy must start with a commitment
The best conditions to take out insurance
The highest in the market. Until the age of 75.
We will not cancel the contract if you have been with us for three years.
7% de descuento si sois 4 asegurados y 12% a partir de 5.
Te informaremos con antelación de las novedades de renovación.
We provide you with tools to make your life easier and take care of your health
Once your healthcare has been covered
Complementary health insurance that may interest you
Reimbursement insurance
DKV Top Health
Un seguro de reembolso de gastos en el que elegir libremente médico y centro al que acudir. We will reimburse 100% of the total expenses in Spain and abroad.
Funeral insurance
DKV Protección familiar
The funeral insurance that supports your family at all times. One of the best funeral services, with transfer and repatriation to your country of origin.
Do you need help?
If you are thinking about taking out an insurance policy and you have questions, we will answer them in the way you choose.
Visit your nearest agent
Call us
We’ll call you
Conditions of price from*
Price from DKV Residentes: Calculation for a 9-year-old person.
The premiums are valid during the campaign period.