The construction of a united Europe is a long-held dream of all post World War II generations. Over the years, we have managed to make that dream a reality with the creation of the European Union and all the cohesive policies that have been able to bring member states closer together, with a single currency and freedom of movement for people, money and goods.

The construction of a united Europe is a long-held dream of all post World War II generations. Over the years, we have managed to make that dream a reality with the creation of the European Union and all the cohesive policies that have been able to bring member states closer together, with a single currency and freedom of movement for people, money and goods.

One of the many benefits that we can enjoy as European citizens, as Spain belongs to the European Union, is the option to acquire a European Health Insurance Card that covers you if you travel to any of the 28 countries within the European Union (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania and Sweden), the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland. 

In the event of a medical incident during temporary stays in any of these countries, holders of the European Health Insurance Card and any beneficiaries under their care will be covered under the same terms and conditions as a resident in the country of travel. This does not mean that any treatment you receive will be free, as there are major differences between the healthcare systems of each member state and healthcare services are not free in all of them.

That being said, if you have a European Health Insurance Card and have to pay for a medical service, the amount you pay will be the same as anyone living in the country you're visiting.

The European Health Insurance Card does not cover trips taken specifically to receive a certain form of treatment in another country or permanent stays in a foreign country resulting in a change of residence.

Telephone procedures
DKV 24-hour doctor

Medical advice helplines

Video consultation and chat with specialists
Video consultation and chat with specialists

Through our Quiero cuidarme Más app wherever you are

Dental coverage
Dental coverage

Our health insurance includes dental cover at no additional cost

Medical directory
Extensive medical directory

Over 40,000 healthcare professionals and 1,000 healthcare centres without waiting lists