Discover the Activa DKV app
We want to have full control over our insurance!
Access to everything that your insurance offers
Independence to carry out your administrative procedures from anywhere
Specialised online advice
Why download the app
All the benefits of the DKV Activa app
Request an in-person appointment using the medical directory in a quick and simple way
Contact DKV immediately and for whatever you need via chat
You will be able to process documentation and authorisations with a simple click
Enjoy access to all digital health services from the App
Digital channels and apps
We provide you with tools to make your life easier and take care of your health
Discover the Activa DKV app
Access all digital health services provided by Quiero cuidarme Más from the Activa DKV app. A shortcut so you don't have to log in twice. Save time and carry out all your insurance procedures from the app.
Frequently asked questions about Activa DKV
Is Activa DKV available to all DKV Seguros customers?
It's available to DKV Salud, Dentisalud and Famedic customers
Who can access it?
The policyholder and all insured persons of legal age. Any procedures involving minors, or showing their card, can be carried out by the policyholder, but not the rest of insured persons of legal age.
In how many languages will it be available?
Spanish, English, German and Catalan.
What should I do if I have any queries about a procedure or process?
We have made available a DKV WhatsApp channel for users, so you can report any issue or complication 960 160 602
When installing Activa DKV, can I remove all other DKV applications?
You will be able to remove the following applications:
Quiero cuidarme Más - No, you shouldn't remove it. This will be used by the customer to process medical and telemedicine services. Activa DKV will be integrated into it to provide services that are related to the insurance.
Reembolso App - Yes, you can remove it.
Famedic card - Yes, you can remove it.
DKV Móvil - Yes, you can remove it.
What should I do if I forget my password?
Once downloaded, which username and password do I use to log in?
What do I need if I haven't registered yet?
We want to improve what surrounds us! With our four causes.
Are you one of us?
Actions that fight against reducing overweight figures in children.
We have obtained the Zero CO2 seal from ECODES. Our planet needs us, and we work towards protecting and recovering it.
We no longer want to be mothers, but MalasMadres, which is why we are launching #TimeToTakeCareOfYourself
At the DKV Integralia Foundation, we work towards the social and professional integration of all people.