How to apply for a European Health Insurance Card

For trips to countries in the European Union or the Schengen Area, you can apply for the European Health Insurance Card, which gives you the right to receive medical assistance while visiting EU countries

The European Health Insurance Card is available for all EU citizens and gives users access to healthcare in countries of the European Union under the same conditions as citizens insured in each country.

The health insurance card can be used in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, as EU countries and Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway as countries belonging to the European Economic Area, and also Switzerland.

How to apply for a European Health Insurance Card

There are various ways to apply for a European Health Insurance Card. The easiest way is to apply for the health insurance card online.

The Social Security E-Office allows citizens to carry out procedures in the National Institute of the Social Security regarding social and healthcare matters, including application for the European Health Insurance Card.

To apply for the health insurance card, users will need a digital certificate, a username and password, a previous password, without a certificate or via SMS. The most commonly used method is application without a certificate.

If you have problems applying for the European Health Insurance Card online, you can apply by phone or make an appointment to visit any office of the Social Security Institute.

While their application for the European Health Insurance Card is being processed, users can download a provisional replacement certificate that allows them to enjoy all the benefits of the European Health Insurance Card for 90 days.

Calculate your medical directory insurance

Are you looking for health insurance and you don't know which one is suited to your needs? Compare the different modalities based on the coverage included in each health insurance.

Your postal code must consist of five digits
Fill in your phone number. Remember that it must consist of 9 digits. For example, "123 456 789"
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  • Health coach to quit smoking, lose weight or track your pregnancy, among other benefits

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