International vaccination

Consult the website of the Ministry of Health to learn about the vaccinations you have to get if you travel abroad


The healthcare for civil servants is also important when travelling abroad. When we travel aboard, we have to get certain vaccinations. The mandatory or recommended vaccinations depend on where we travel and the circumstances of each traveller. This is why we recommend that travellers consult the website of Competent authorities in foreign healthcare and go to an international vaccination centre of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.

Regarding international vaccination, we will address:

  • Which vaccinations are compulsory?

  • Fees for the administration of vaccinations

  • Recommended vaccinations and medications


Which vaccinations are compulsory?

The following vaccinations are compulsory:

  • Yellow fever

    • The vaccination against yellow fever is subject to an international regulation and is compulsory in order to enter some countries. They are only administered in authorised Vaccination Centres, where the International Vaccination Certificate is issued. Yellow fever is caught from infected mosquitoes, and these bite during the day. The yellow fever virus infects humans and monkeys. During the course of the illness, a patient can suffer fever, muscular pain, headaches, chills, loss of appetite, nausea and/or vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, haemorrhagic manifestations, renal and liver failure, and death.

  • Meningococcal meningitis

    • The vaccination against meningococcal meningitis is compulsory when travelling to Saudi Arabia during the Haj pilgrimage. It is subject to the same regulations as yellow fever. It is an acute bacterial disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis. This illness develops with the sudden appearance of an intense headache, fever, nausea, vomits, photophobia, stiff neck and a frequent petechial rash, together with various neurological manifestations; even when treating the illness quickly, it can be deadly. It is spread by a direct person-to-person contact, including transmission via aerosol or through respiratory droplets from the nose or larynx from infected people, patients or asymptomatic carriers.


Fees for the administration of vaccinations

The fee for administering these and other vaccinations is set forth in article 29 of Act 13/1996 of 30 December, and the fee is established for “the vaccination against the illnesses included in the International Healthcare Regulation, as well as any other requested by the interested party, and the issue of an international vaccination certificate.”

As it is the person subject to the fee who applies for the service, it will not be reimbursed unless the trip abroad by the mutual society member is made due to reasons of service. 


Recommended vaccinations and medications

As set forth in the previews point, Vaccination Centres can apply fees for dispensing and/or administering certain vaccinations and medications, which will not be reimbursed by Muface. For this reason, before following the recommendations, we advise you to inform yourself about any possible access to the specified medications through your adhered Entity or a prescription from Muface's and dispensation from a pharmacy.

On a purely indicative basis, we inform you that currently the following vaccinations are dispensed at pharmacies by presenting a Muface prescription: tuberculosis, hepatitis A (prior inspection visa), cholera and typhoid fever, as well as antimalarial medications with a safety seal.

Muface covers the partial reimbursement of certain antimalarial medications not marketed in Spain and acquired abroad.

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