Temporary disability benefit

Covering the worker's loss of income due to an illness or accident


In the General Social Security System, temporary disability is a daily allowance that covers the loss of income suffered by a worker due to a common illness or non-work related accident, professional or work-related accident, and observation periods due to a work-related illness. This is one of the social benefits that, together with the health insurance for civil servants, forms part of the MUFACE healthcare system.

In the MUFACE regime, the temporary disability benefit aims to compensate the reduction in income of a mutual society member after 91 days in a situation of temporary disability, when the organisation in which they work stops providing sick leave pay. The staff body declares the situation of temporary disability by means of medical leave, based on medical reports that prove that healthcare has been provided by MUFACE.


Let's take a look at the following points:

  1. Amount of the benefit

  2. Requirements to receive the benefit

  3. How it is calculated

  4. Rules


Amount of the temporary disability benefit

During the first 90 days of temporary disability, civil servants have the right to receive benefits as prescribed by current legislation (for more information, civil servants should talk to their payer).

Starting from day 91, civil servants have the right to receive:

  • Basic benefits and, where applicable, provisions for each child under their care

  • A subsidy for temporary disability provided by MUFACE


The amount of the financial assistance is fixed and invariable until otherwise indicated, and will be the greater of the two following amounts:

  • 80% of the basic earned income (salary, three-year step, and category, where applicable), increased by a sixth of a special payment, corresponding to the third month of the leave.

  • 75% of the complementary income earned in the third month of the leave.


Therefore, the total amount of the calculated benefit cannot exceed the total complementary income corresponding to the third month of the leave.

If the benefit turns out to be higher, it will be reduced by taking off the excess.


Requirements to receive financial assistance for a temporary disability

To receive a temporary disability benefit, the beneficiary must have made contributions to MUFACE for a period of six months, except for in the case of a work-related illness or accident that takes place while in service or as a consequence of service.

In order to be a beneficiary, the civil servant must be the recipient of the medical leave report, and must have obtained medical leave due to sickness or an accident that prevents them from carrying out their civil servant functions, and must receive healthcare through MUFACE.


Temporary disability benefit: How it is calculated

MUFACE has an online tool to calculate the amount of financial assistance you will receive due to a temporary disability or risk during pregnancy or natural breastfeeding. This calculator is a simple tool designed to help mutual society members. However, under no circumstances does it imply the initiation of any procedures or the recognition of any rights.

As regards the term and place to present the financial assistance application, after having been in a situation of temporary disability for 3 months, you are eligible to request this benefit from MUFACE, either through its electronic office, or in one of the provincial services or representative offices, or through any of the register provided for in Article 16 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, as well as the organisation where the mutual society member provides services.

The Staff Body will directly notify MUFACE of the fourth month leave with the certificate of the basic and complementary remunerations earned at the start of the third month of leave and the complementary pay not paid since day 91.


Regulations for temporary disability benefits

The legislation that regulates the procedure of recognising, controlling, and monitoring situations of temporary disability, risk during pregnancy, and risk during natural breastfeeding in the Special Social Security Regime for Civil Servants, is Order PSR/1744/2010, of 30 June

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