Voluntary leave of civil servants

Civil servants that opt for voluntary leave and exercise the option of continuing as voluntary MUFACE members, are obliged to pay contributions while on voluntary leave


The contribution that they must pay will include their own contribution according to the group they belong to and the State contribution. Both amounts will be set annually in accordance with the State General Budget Act. It is included within the MUFACE healthcare system.


Voluntary leave and its categories

Civil servants (also, logically, civil servants of the Civil Administration) can opt for voluntary leave, which is divided into the following categories:


  • Voluntary leave on personal grounds: to obtain this, they must have provided service in any of the Public Administrations during, at least, the preceding five-year period.
    The granting of voluntary leave on personal grounds is subordinate to the duly reasoned requirements of the service. If the civil servant is being briefed in a disciplinary inquiry, they may not request voluntary leave.

  • Voluntary leave for family grouping: for civil servants whose spouse resides in another town because they have obtained and are performing a definitive job as a career civil servant or as a permanent worker in any of the Public Administrations.

  • Leave of absence for caring for relatives: This lasts no longer than 3 years to care for a child or relative under their responsibility, up to the second degree of blood or family relationship. The leave of absence period will be counted for the purposes of three-year pay rises, career, and pensions in the applicable Social Security system.

  • Leave of absence for reason of gender violence: Civil servants who are victims of gender violence, in order to effect their protection or right to inclusive social welfare, will have the right to request a leave of absence without having served a minimum time and without a minimum term of permanence in their position.

  • Leave of absence for terrorist violence: Civil servants that have suffered physical or mental injuries as a result of terrorist activity, or threat, in the terms of Article 5 of Act 29/2011, of 22 September, on the Recognition and Integral Protection for Victims of Terrorism, with prior recognition of the Home Office or definitive legal decision, will have right to enjoy a period of leave of absence under the same conditions as victims of gender violence.


Registration as voluntary mutual society members

Civil servants that are on personal leave are removed as mutual society members, but in accordance with Article 10 of the General Regulation on Administrative Mutualism approved by Royal Decree 375/2003 of 28 March, they will be able to practice the right of choice to request the optional maintenance of registration as voluntary MUFACE mutual society members, being obliged from the start of the causal event, to pay contributions while in this situation of voluntary registration.


The contribution scheme to which these mutual society members are subject is that regulated in Article 28 and following the above-mentioned General Regulation on Mutualism, which is a unique contribution system (payment of the contributions is made directly by the mutual society member through the procedure established by the mutual society). This procedure is based on the quarterly issuance of bank debits that at the beginning of the month following the corresponding quarterly period, will be charged to the Banking Organisation that appears on the Direct Debit Order form in the section "Other Forms" and that must be completed and signed by the interested party.

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