
Mutual society members and beneficiaries have the right to the medical care for civil servants.


Mutual society member's beneficiaries, who are they?

The following will be considered beneficiaries of the mutual society member:

  • Spouse: This section also includes people who live with the mutual society member in an analogous relationship. And with the requirements established in the General Social Security System.

  • Descendants, adopted children and siblings: Natural and adopted children and descendants can be of one of the two spouses. Exceptionally, foster children will have the same condition by means of an agreement with MUFACE.

  • Ascendants: They may belong to the mutual society or the spouse. In addition, the spouses of remarried ascendants will be considered beneficiaries of the mutual society member.

  • Any person related to the mutual society member that complies with the requirements established in the General Social Security System.


If the mutual society member passes away, the following may be considered as beneficiaries:

  • Widowers and orphans: They may be working or retired. Those who receive a widower's pension from the civil servant pension scheme due to having been a spouse of a civil servant that was part of the administrative mutualism system shall be regarded as widowers. A minor or disabled adult son of the mutual society member that has been abandoned by the mutual society member will be considered an orphan.


Beneficiaries of the mutual society member: Requirements

To be a beneficiary of the mutual society member, the beneficiary must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Live with the mutual society member and be economically dependent on him.

  • Not obtain earned incomes greater than double the Spanish Public Multiple-Effect Income Indicator (IPREM).

  • Not receive healthcare from any other public health system.


Incompatibility of mutual society member's beneficiaries

Being a beneficiary of a mutual society member and being insured is not compatible. There are two types of incompatibility:

  • Complete: If belonging to the administrative mutualism system or another Social Security system.

  • Relative: If the beneficiary is a beneficiary of a mutual society member and of another mutual society member or person that is in another Social Security system. The beneficiary must decide on one of the mutual society members he remains with.


Any person can request his registration, change or removal as a beneficiary of the mutual society member by using the official form.

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