Healthcare abroad

In Europe, Muface policyholders and beneficiaries need the European Health Insurance Card. Outside Europe, the Certificate of Healthcare Coverage Abroad is required


Informed travel is safer travel. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ofrece información útil para cualquier viaje al extranjero. In addition to consulting the Travel Recommendations specific to the country or countries of destination, it is advisable to take into account some general advice offered on the website, such as having a passport, visas, an international driving licence, etc.


As for civil servants, MUFACE covers healthcare abroad for temporary travel through a general expense reimbursement system, managed directly by the Provincial Services and the delegated branches of said organisation.


Trips to European Union countries. European Health Insurance Card

Mutual society policyholders who hold a membership document can request the European Health Insurance Card for them or their beneficiaries. Whether requested through the internet or carrying out the formalities in person, the mutual society member will obtain it immediately from:

  • The MUFACE e-Office. It can be obtained in two ways following this procedure:

  1. By means of a digital certificate or Electronic ID Card (DNI electrónico).

  2. By means of an username and password, for which registration must have been carried out beforehand.

  • With personal delivery, when requested at the MUFACE branch in person. The membership document must be presented. The mutual society member can authorise any of his beneficiaries or a third party of legal age to present the application or applications on his behalf. The authorisation must be made in writing and accompanied by a copy of the National ID document of the authorised person.

  • By any of the means set forth in Article 16.4 of Public Administration and General Administrative Procedures Law 39/2015 of 1 October. In this case, the Provisional Replacement Certificate (CPS) will be delivered to the address specified by the mutual society member.


What is the validity period of the European Health Insurance Card?

The validity period is stated on the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), and will be valid for two years, both for the holder and its beneficiaries.

The use of the EHIC/PRC (Provisional Replacement Certificate) during its validity period is subject to the holder continuing to meet the requirements that gave rise to its acquisition. Otherwise, expenses that arise may be claimed under the concept of benefits not due, in accordance with the provisions of article 76 of Regulation (EC) 883/2004.


What is the validity period of the Provisional Replacement Certificate of the European Health Insurance Card?

Up to 30 days. If it is required for a longer duration, the holder must request it personally at the Office, and documentary evidence is required to justify the reasons for which the stay is going to exceed 30 days and the EHIC cannot be requested


Temporary travel outside the EU for studies or work

The mutual society member or his beneficiaries will require the Certificate of healthcare cover abroad, the purpose of which is to certify to any public or private entity that the holder or his beneficiaries have coverage for healthcare expenses in temporary trips abroad, with a maximum duration of two months from the beginning of the trip. The reimbursement, where applicable, of any expense must be requested by the holder at his MUFACE Branch, as set forth in the current regulation.

If the studies are going to be taken in a country of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, the EHIC is enough justification.


 How can I obtain a Certificate of healthcare cover abroad?

  • MUFACE e-Office. It can be obtained in two ways following this procedure:

  1. By means of a digital certificate or Electronic ID Card (DNI electrónico).

  2. By means of an username and password, for which registration must have been carried out beforehand.

  • From any MUFACE Branch exclusively

The maximum coverage period in trips for private reasons is of two months from the beginning of the trip, and in trips for professional reasons it is for the period of time of the professional stay abroad.


Telephone procedures
DKV 24-hour doctor

Medical advice helplines

Video consultation and chat with specialists
Video consultation and chat with specialists

Through our Quiero cuidarme Más app wherever you are

Dental coverage
Dental coverage

Our health insurance includes dental cover at no additional cost

Medical directory
Extensive medical directory

Over 40,000 healthcare professionals and 1,000 healthcare centres without waiting lists

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900 810 072

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900 810 073

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