During 2024...

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+3,232 complaints

And 4,607 claims have been processed by our Customer Protection and Customer Services departments.

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7 days

This is the average response time in complaints and 13 days in claims

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+ 37%

Of files processed were resolved within 5 days and 93% within 30 days.

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Were responded to within 6 to 30 days.

Our Commitment

Each complaint is an opportunity to improve the quality of service offered to the customer, which is a priority for us. Therefore, with an aim to protect and ensure our customers' rights, we endeavour to respond in the most efficient and timely way possibly, aiming to ensure that the process does not take any longer than what is strictly necessary.

All information regarding complaints and claims is analysed and researched by our Customer Defence Service, with the remit to measure and assess the efficiency and effectiveness of how the process is managed across the whole company: branches, call centres and central services.

Additionally, to reflect the view of the client, we analyse these complaints and claims according to their nature or risk, and we carry out continuous monitoring of the client's opinion.

And we commit to responding within a maximum of two months from its initial presentation.

Applicable legislation

The procedures for resolving complaints and claims put forward by customers of financial entities are regulated by Act 44/2002, of 22 November, on Measures to Reform the Financial System, and by Order ECO/734/2004, of 11 March, on customer services and the financial consumer ombudsman, as well as by all other legal provisions that complement or modify the above.

Customer Protection Regulation of the DKV Group

How to file an official claim or complaint

To file a claim, you can use any of these channels:

If you wish to report an incident about the service or a complaint, you can do so through our Customer service from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm on business days.

Information required for processing

  • Name, surname(s), ID number, address of the interested party and, where applicable, of the person representing him or her, duly accredited.

  • Policy number to which the claim relates.

  • Reason for the claim or complaint, providing a clear description of the incident and including documentary evidence.

  • Specify the branch, department or service where the matters at issue took place with regard to the complaint or claim.

  • Place, date and signature of the complainant.

If the complaint or claim is being processed before administrative, arbitration or judicial bodies, its admission for processing may be rejected.

After receiving the complaint through the Company, the portfolio manager will confirm receipt, just in case s/he cannot give an immediate response. If, owing to the complex nature of the matter, it will take a long time to respond to the complaint, a second confirmation will be sent to inform the client of the state of the process.

Finally, once all of the necessary information has been gathered, both from the complaining party and the various departments of the Company, the corresponding response will be sent.

Although the legal period to resolve the matter is two months from the time of receiving the complaint, in DKV Seguros we aim to communicate our response in less than 15 days.

If, within a period of two months, no resolution has been issued, or it has been issued but the insured person is not satisfied with the outcome, you can contact:

"Claims Service of the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds", domiciled at Paseo de la Castellana 44, 28046 Madrid.