If you plan to cancel your policy with DKV, you should know that cancelling your insurance is a procedure that must be completed in due time and form. Accordingly, it is the user's obligation to notify the company clearly so that the cancellation of the contract is duly recorded. On this page, we explain how to cancel your DKV insurance policy.

How to cancel your policy

If you have decided that you no longer wish to continue with your DKV insurance policy, you must notify the company of your decision to cancel it. However, to do so, you must respect the deadlines set by insurance law, and you must also notify the company through the channels that it has put in place for this procedure.

To cancel an insurance policy, you must do so through an official communication channel that makes it possible to record the request and that enables the company to notify you that it has received the request correctly and that it is being processed and will become official on the corresponding date.

Meanwhile, if you wish to cancel the policy, you must notify at least one month before the expiration of the policy. In the case of health insurance, policies expire on 31 December, so you must notify the company of the cancellation no later than 30 November. Nevertheless, to make sure that the request has been performed correctly and that you have sent all the necessary documentation, we recommend you give yourself more time. In the case of other insurance policies (home, life, accident, burial, etc.) you should check your documentation to see the expiration date of your policy and process the cancellation at least one month before. You can review your policy's documentation on the customer's private dashboard or on the DKV Activa app. You can also request this information through our customer service channel.

Important! If the legal deadlines are not met, the cancellation will not become effective, and the policy will be renewed automatically. We also recommend that you keep any evidence that you have submitted your policy cancellation request.

What communication channels can you use to cancel your insurance policy?

  • In writing at your DKV branch. Write your cancellation request and deliver it in duplicate to the branch or commercial office with the stamp and date of delivery of the document. Remember to keep a copy if necessary. Find your nearest branch: https://delegacion.dkv.es/

  • By email. Send your request by email bajas@dkvseguros.es with acknowledgement of receipt or opening.

  • Via regular post: Torre DKV. Avda. María Zambrano, 31 - 50018 - Zaragoza. Send a written letter signed by the policyholder and enclose a copy of your ID card, policy number or DKV card number and the date of the request.

Whichever channel you use to notify cancellation of the policy, it is important to produce a document to ensure that the request has been made in due time and form.

What documentation do you need to submit?

  • Photocopy of the policyholder's ID card, passport or Foreigner's Identification Number (NIE).

  • Cancellation request date.

What do you need to include in the letter to cancel your DKV insurance policy?

The letter you send to the company to cancel the insurance policy must clearly state your intention to cancel your policy. Please inform us of your intention not to extend the policy in question.

As we said, you also have to provide your policy number, full name and ID number, as well as the date and place of the request and your signature.

When should I cancel my health insurance policy?

You can request the cancellation of your insurance policy at any time, as long as you notify the company at least one month before the expiration date. Doing so will ensure that it is effectively stopped before its automatic renewal. Although you request the cancellation more than one month in advance, since the contract has an annual validity, the cancellation will not become effective until the end of the contract, i.e., the insurance policy will remain in effect until the expiration date.

In the case of health insurance policies, the expiration date is 31 December; in the rest of the insurance policies, it is the date on which the insurance policy took effect. You can review this information in the special terms and conditions on both your customer private dashboard and the DKV Activa app.

If I stop paying for the insurance policy, will it be cancelled automatically?

No. Failure to pay for the insurance policy is considered a breach of contract and, according to the Insurance Contract Act, could have negative consequences for the customer.

Por qué no cancelar tu seguro con DKV?

Dar de baja tu seguro es una decisión importante y te aconsejamos que analices todos los factores, como tu antigüedad con la compañía, las coberturas que te ofrece o promociones específicas a la hora de contratar un seguro adicional.

In the case of health insurance, if you cancel a policy and would like to take out a health insurance policy again, bear in mind that illnesses and/or surgical interventions would become a pre-existing condition, which means you could be denied the ability to open a new policy. You should also consider waiting periods, i.e., the time that must pass between taking out a health insurance policy and being able to undergo certain medical treatments (surgery, pregnancy and childbirth, transplants, etc.)

What if I want to cancel my policy right after opening it?

If, for whatever reason, you regret having taken out your insurance, you have a MAXIMUM of 14 days to cancel it without any penalties.

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