Exclusive promotions for mutual society members and their family members

Complement your healthcare and protect the health of your family members

  • Wide range of insurance available: dental, reimbursement, work leave, home or death

  • Health insurance for your family at exclusive prices for being a DKV customer

  • Video consultation and chat with specialists

  • Emergency assistance abroad

  • FREE dental cover

All the benefits of taking out your insurance with DKV

Why choose us

+ 90,000
+ 315,000

 We also take care of your family's health

We offer you comprehensive health insurance at an exclusive price for being a mutual society member's relative

Medical directory medical insurance
Reimbursement health insurance

For you and your family

Benefit from exclusive offers for relatives and complement your healthcare as a mutual society member with other insurance: dental, reimbursement, income, home and funeral insurance. 

Reimbursement health insurance
Dental insurance
Income and accident insurance
Home insurance
Funeral insurance
Life insurance

Find out all the additional services and benefits related to the provision of healthcare offered to DKV's MUFACE beneficiaries, in accordance with the criteria established to evaluate the management quality targets included in the current Agreement.


Further information

Information about the different products with exclusive prices for mutual society members

Download the documentation

National Mutual Society Members

We want to improve what surrounds us! With our four causes.

Are you one of us?

You are a DKV customer

Please call us on:

900 810 072

Exclusive mutual society members

Please call us on:

900 810 073

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